Improper Dental Habits To Avoid To Maintain Proper Orthodontic Health

In order to maintain good dental health, you need to go for regular checkups and maintain proper oral hygiene. You must be mindful of a few bad habits significantly impacting dental health. Prevention is always better than cure. Hence, according to the best orthodontists in Kenya, taking good care of teeth from the beginning is necessary to ensure that the teeth are in good condition and that you do not need to visit the dentist for major orthodontic issues in the coming days.

How do poor dental habits create a negative impact on orthodontic health?

Bad dental habits generally develop from childhood. Most of these habits stay long and significantly impact the overall dental health of the individual. Apart from the cavities, these habits can also affect teeth’ alignment, positioning and structuring.

Over time, these habits can give rise to misaligned teeth, biting and chewing problems, damage to tooth bones and several other dental issues. That’s when you need to go through orthodontic treatment to get aligners, Invisalign, and braces. To reduce the negative impact, you must discard the poor habits initially and embrace healthy dental habits.

A few common poor dental habits

Thumb sucking
Thumb sucking is a common form of pacifier that many children use during their early childhood days. However, these habits should be discouraged when the child grows up. If not, they develop problems with bite alignment, speech problems and teeth protrusion. This is certainly a bad habit and is a threat to the orthodontic health of the individual.
Teeth grinding
Often under stress or anxiety, people develop the habit of over-grinding, clenching or biting their nails. These habits could be better for the tooth. Continuous nail biting can result in bacterial infection reaching the tooth’s gums. Moreover, grinding and clenching can cause enamel wear out and increase tooth sensitivity, creating problems later.
Tearing with teeth
Sometimes, people end up using their teeth as a tool to tear packets and wrappers. Always remember that you’ve been blessed with teeth for eating and chewing purposes and not to use the same as a pair of scissors. This misuse can cause sudden chipping or mild cracking of the tooth bone, and the tooth remains damaged in the long run.

Contact 32 Dental Studio for the highest standards of orthodontic services. We have a team of professional and trained orthodontists in Kenya who can help you with proper guidelines for developing proper dental habits.